Happy New Year 2017


I wish you a happy new year.

As every year, at the same time, the time is for a review and good resolutions. And what about this ending year ? At the beginning of 2016, my slogan was:

Make room in my life for new things

And I made room in my life. I sold many things and I still have some things to sell. I gave some stuff to my brother, to my sister and even to a cousin who had a daughter last summer.

And I will continue this way. I’m far away from zero waste like Bea Johnson did for her family. I’m reading her book and this gave me some ideas. And I know I don’t want to reach the zero waste like she did, but I want to get closer.

What else has happened ?

I have advanced in my own business project and I proud to share with you that, in this first day of this new year, I launched it. In this context, I launched a new blog (in French) about writing, reading and translation. You could visit it by this way.

In my company, my Good Enough Job, I had changes. I did a training in order to change of project. A difficult training I did on my own. And I succeed. Since I’m waiting for having a real project to work on.

My second goal for 2016 was the NaNoWriMo. And this year, I failed. But I also learned a lot about my writing and the way I have to treat this challenge.

And now, what about 2017 ?

My great projects for 2017 are :

  • To launch my own business
  • To be healthier
  • To finish my unfinished projects
  • To travel (we want to travel between New-York and Montréal)
  • To do some activities with my daughter.

And to be more specific, these give me the following goals :

  • I’ll register as self-employer (auto-entrepreneur) by January, 1st.
  • I’ll realize a revenue of 32 000€ by December, 31st.
  • I’ll write a post by week, in French, on De Mots En Ecrits.
  • I’ll write a post by week, in English, here.
  • I’ll eat healthily 6 days per week.
  • I’ll do sport every day.
  • I’ll lost five kilo before June, 30th.
  • I’ll finish my translation of Refuse To Choose by January, 31st
  • From February, 1st to April, 30th, I’ll work on my novel wrote during NaNoWriMo 2015.
  • I’ll finish my F.O.C.U.S. Training I bought this summer.
  • We’ll travel from New-York to Montréal in August during two weeks.
  • All week-ends (either Saturday or Sunday), I’ll do an activity with my daughter during, at least, one hour.

All these goals are the results of a training from Franck Nicolas, I followed a few days ago.

I hope it’ll help me to create a wonderful year.

And you? How was 2016 for you? What’s your resolutions or your goals for 2017 ?

Enjoy your rainbow life,


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